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[TWB]≡ Descargar Gratis Stardoc SL Viehl 9780451457738 Books

Stardoc SL Viehl 9780451457738 Books

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Stardoc SL Viehl 9780451457738 Books

This author writes in a smooth, very readable way. The story was interesting to me, though flawed a bit. Earthers are mostly evil and hunt the main character, who is a young doctor treating many different alien races. I like this main character and the world building. I dislike the rape scene, and the male character which is being heavy handily moved into the potential romantic partner arena. Due to the latter and some detailed sexual scenes this for adults only. I will read the sequel, but I am truly uncomfortable with these choices the author made.

Read Stardoc SL Viehl 9780451457738 Books

Tags : Stardoc [S.L. Viehl] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <DIV>Dr. Cherijo Grey Veil leaves Earth and accepts a position as a physician at Kevarzanga-2's FreeClinic. Her surgical skills are desperately needed on a hostile frontier world with over 200 sentient species--and her understanding of alien physiology is nothing short of miraculous. But the truth behind her expertise is a secret which,S.L. Viehl,Stardoc,Roc,0451457730,FICTION Science Fiction General,Fiction,Fiction - Science Fiction,Fiction Science Fiction Action & Adventure,Fiction-Science Fiction,MASS MARKET,Science Fiction,Science Fiction - General

Stardoc SL Viehl 9780451457738 Books Reviews

Stardoc is such a catchy story that once you get caught up in the plot, you can't let go. Dr. Cherijo Grey Veil has run away from her brilliant, domineering, xenophobic father from Terra to planet K2 to work in a free clinic. The story reads a bit awkwardly, being in first person, and for the first half of the book she keeps mentioning the "information she found about her father" but doesn't say exactly what that is even though we know she knows (and to not spoil this review, I won't mention what it is)! The book read more like a personal journal rather than a narrative. The rest of the story covers her adjustment to being on her own, meeting the rest of the galaxy, and solving the mysterious plague that wipes out thousands on K2.
The multitude of very alien aliens is ludicrous but entertaining in the same vein as Star Trek. At least S.L. Viehl one ups Star Trek by adding more than brow ridges. Even if they're 10 foot tall spiders or as small as snails, they all have human personalities. In addition, she somehow figures out how to operate on various species without any prior training whatsoever! Suuuure... We're supposing that all life is so similar that once you one species, you know them all. When she delves into describing the surgical procedures and medical gabbledygook, I just skip to the next paragraph. This is science fiction, so its okay to to suspend disbelief and take a leap of imagination, as the strength of the book lies in the engaging plot.
Cherijo is stubborn and relentlessly committed to her work (like most doctors), even after the first day of meeting the grim-faced Dr.Mayer and her antagonist the smelly half-human Dr. Rogan. There is a romantic element to the story, as Cherijo finds her self life-bonded with a blue-skinned studly warrior, but I would not consider this a romance. The most interesting character is the creepy telepathic linquist Duncan Reever, raised by aliens, is the most unhuman of all. This series looks like it'll be a blend of - Bujold's Miles Universe, ER, and Star Trek.
This lighthearted jaunt is no literary work, but its not meant to be! Its fast and fun with lots of action and you'll enjoy the quirky characters.
The story starts simple, focused on the personal life of the heroine. But it grows in depth and breadth. There were a couple of rough scenes in the later parts of the book that I skimmed (assault scene, for example). The ending was bigger than I expected and had some wonderful surprises.
I liked the world building in this book and the main character was likeable enough while still possessing some fairly substantial faults. I feel like there should have been a bit more consequence to Cherijo pissing off the Bartermen ( the planet's sort of trading mafia) in the end as it kept being hinted at. There are sequel books so maybe they'll show up later. I absolutely despised the character that is being set up as a love interest in a future book but aside from little nit picks I really liked this book. Its definitely worth a read if you like soft sci-fi with some medical jargon thrown in. Some of its even real medical jargon, and some of it is obviously inspired by real jargon.
I've read several of the other reviews of STARDOC here, both pro and con, and I find myself in the curious position of being in general agreement with all of them. While some liked the book a lot, others were very critical of it, but all had reasons for their reaction that I can appreciate. This is a book that can easily be seen as either a half full glass or a half empty one. Or, like me, you can view it as just half a glass and let it go at that.

So what's good about STARDOC? Well, it's a mildly amusing space opera that's unpretentious (no deep cosmic meaning and none claimed). There are lots of weird aliens. The author has a light touch and is not above throwing in some humor. The over-the-top array of alien species, while totally unbelievable, was presented in the somewhat tongue-in-cheek manner of the original STAR WARS movie. Ms. Viehl clearly knows her way around a medical clinic and an ER, giving that aspect of the preceedings a good measure of authenticity. It was interesting enough to keep me turning the pages all the way to the end. All in all, a nice, easy, fun book that didn't try to be any more that that.

What was disappointing? While STARDOC kept me turning pages all the way to the end, I wasn't that happy with what I had when I got there. The story is a cliche from start to finish and, though it's a character-driven story, even the characters have little depth. The only exceptions are the main character, who is pretty predictable herself, and a character named Duncan Reever. Further, the aliens that played the most crucial role were really nothing more than blue-skinned humans. I've long been disenchanted with the common use of humanoid aliens in scifi, but no more so than here, where there were already so many other possibilities. Even worse, though, is the idea of sex between humans and aliens. The notion of humans finding physically and emotionally compatible individuals among totally alien species is mind-bogglingly ludicrous. Authors that resort to such nonsense always are a letdown for me.

STARDOC is a book that I found mildly enjoyable to read, but it left me less than satisfied at the end, despite the fact that I understood that it was just the first installment in an ongoing series. The series has proven popular, but even though I didn't have any trouble staying with STARDOC to the end and it's been a while since I read it, it wasn't compelling or fun enough to send me out after any of the others in the series. Not yet, anyway.
However, I HATE when rape or other semi forced intercourse is used to introduce romantic potential. ARRGGH. But otherwise quite good sci fi
Seriously - first a "mind rape" and then a rape, all within this little book. I was really stunned. Bad form. #metoo for Star Doc.
This author writes in a smooth, very readable way. The story was interesting to me, though flawed a bit. Earthers are mostly evil and hunt the main character, who is a young doctor treating many different alien races. I like this main character and the world building. I dislike the rape scene, and the male character which is being heavy handily moved into the potential romantic partner arena. Due to the latter and some detailed sexual scenes this for adults only. I will read the sequel, but I am truly uncomfortable with these choices the author made.
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